CDI's products are sold around the world.
Since 1993, we have brought innovation and reliability to pipeline pig tracking.
CDI Founded
After moving from Arkansas, Tony and Verne Farque founded the company along with their children Jason and Eric to pursue their dream to design quality electronics for clients.
Entered the Pipeline Business
After more than a decade designing electronics for a variety of companies in the Tulsa area, CDI dedicates itself to pipeline pig tracking.
Designed World's First GPS-Equipped AGM
In 1995, based upon their impression of CDI's pipeline pig tracking systems, CDI was contacted by Pipetronix in Stutensee, Germany to design an AGM. CDI proposed and Pipetronix approved a radical solution to time synchronization: GPS. GPS had only become fully operational in that same year.
Designed World's First Through-Wall Communications System for Pipeline Plugs
In 1998 CDI was contracted by Phillips Petroleum, Norway, to design and manufacture the world's first through-wall communication and control system for untethered pipeline plugs. The system was deployed in the Ekofisk oil field that same year.
Designed and Patented Non-Intrusive Pig Signalers
2005 saw the introduction of CDI's first non-intrusive pipeline pig passage signaler. This signaler system evolved into the various UL/CSA, ATEX and IECEx rated units that we continue to manufacture to this day.
CDI Builds Current Facility
In 2006 CDI moved into its new facility in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The 30,000 square foot facility has since been expanded once to its current size of 42,000 square feet.
CDI Reinvents Its Equipment
All through the 2010s CDI overhauls and modernizes its pipeline pig tracking equipment to it current forms.
CDI Begins Work on GlobalTrack
In 2020, CDI once again sought to modernize its core business by bringing pipeline pig tracking into the cloud. GlobalTrack is the cloud-based software system around which all of our future products will be designed. GlobalTrack is written in-house by CDI developers.
CDI Creates the Qube AGM
The Qube, CDI's fourth iteration of AGMs since their first development in 1995, is introduced. Working hand-in-hand with CDI's GlobalTrack cloud service, the Qube is the culmination of 30 years work by CDI and its employees.